Flour, butter, eggs, and sugar may be simple ingredients, but we’ve spent over four decades making some amazing baked goods with them. Sure, that might sound a little old fashioned in a world that seems to be obsessed with technology and social media posts. But while we have nothing against a good post, we are convinced that there is a certain kind of timeless happiness that you can only get from taking a bite of a delicious sweet treat baked by Otis Spunkmeyer. And we should know, because in our 44+ years of baking cookies, muffins and other sweet delicious treats, we have mastered the art of deliciousness.

Happiness can’t be bought. But it can be baked!

You may be seeing Otis Spunkmeyer in some new places, but we are still the company customers
know and love.
Since starting as a chain
of cookie stores in 1977, we have grown in all sorts of ways. We moved into foodservice making fresh-baked
cookies in
thousands of locations in every corner of the country. And now a whole generation of kids has grown up
recognizing that Otis Spunkmeyer products have been used to raise funds for their local organizations. Since the
company's start, these activities have created familiarity (70% aided brand awareness nationwide) and loyalty
for the brand.
Quick Facts

Our Baked Goods
We make delicious baked goods. A whole lot of different kinds, available in a whole lot of different places. But they all share two things in common: great ingredients—like real semisweet chocolate, cocoa butter, eggs, creamery butter and wild blueberries—and a simple philosophy: we won’t sell them until we love them.

Visit OtisSpunkmeyer.com